Liquid Waste Pre-Treatment System

40 Ltr without shink
Key Features:
  • Dimensions : L25” x W18” x H22”
  • Manual Liquid waste treatment waste treament system at the point of its generation.
  • Water tank capacity 40 Ltr. and Hypo Tank capacity 18 Ltr.
  • Liquid waste gets collecetd directly into waste treatment unit having level indicator to avoid overfilling.
  • Level indicators for waste, water and sodium hypo chloride.
  • Manual Draining of treated waste to sewage line.
  • Treats waste as per the pollution control board guidelines.
  • The machine treats the liquid waste 40 Ltr.

Liquid Waste Pre-Treatment System With Washing Bay

65 Ltr with shink
Key Features:
  • Dimensions : L29” x W22” x H36”
  • Manual Liquid waste treatment waste treament system at the point of its generation.
  • Water tank capacity 65 Ltr. and Hypo Tank capacity 18 Ltr.
  • The equipment has washing bay.
  • Liquid waste gets collecetd directly into waste treatment unit having level indicator to avoid overfilling.
  • Level indicators for waste, water and sodium hypo chloride.
  • Manual Draining of treated waste to sewage line.
  • Treats waste as per the pollution control board guidelines.
  • The machine treats the liquid waste 65 Ltr.